Energy Efficient Roofing & Replacement Windows

Energy Efficient Roofing in Grand Rapids MIGrand Rapids, MI - Did you know that nearly half of the money you spend on utility bills goes toward heating and cooling your home? In many Grand Rapids homes, energy costs are literally going through the roof. Your roof is your first, and best defense against the summer heat and the winter chill. A low-efficiency, poorly insulated roof can let in too much heat in the summer, leaving you with huge air conditioning bills. It can also let off too much warmth in the winter, leading to astronomical heating costs.
Spending a little bit of money on a good roof now can save you a lot on heating and cooling bills in the long run. An energy-efficient roof not only protects you from the elements, but it also keeps your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the Michigan winter.

Don't forget about your windows! Energy efficient windows from Renaissance Exteriors can save you up to 40% on energy bills, effectively paying for themselves within just a few short years!

Has your heating bill already been through the roof because of poorly sealed or decaying windows?

Your home deserves the best, and we do it all. Schedule a FREE consultation and we will assess your home's readiness this winter by calling (616) 446-1248 or visit